Conscious Rest with AromaSounds

AromaSounds is a multi faceted healing modality,
that weaves the sonic frequencies of pure alchemy crystal sounds
with therapeutic essential oils

AromaSounds offers deep therapeutic rest

As we slow down and get clear on our own needs we can embrace these precious gifts of nature to reawaken our joy. The sounds of the pure crystal bowls & the properties of the oils, help to cleanse out thoughts and energy that do not serve us and invite higher resonance that replenishes us on a cellular and vibrational level.

 An AromaSounds immersion supports:
- the release of constriction and tension in the bodymind
- deep relaxation down to a cellular level
- the replenishing of all the systems in the body
- spaciousness and clarity in the mind
- opening the heartspace to a deeply receptive and interconnected state of being.

It is a unique experience for each individual

The AromaSounds® Journey is a Modern healing modality that weaves the wisdom of Alchemy Crystal Sounds with the beneficial properties of pure plant wisdom of Essential Oils, Chinese Medicine practice of AromaPoint Therapy and guided Radiant Rest of Yoga Nidra, to create ease & flow throughout our entire being.

It is the most elegant union of Physics & Chemistry, Ancient Wisdom & Modern Science, Aroma & Deep Relaxation

I created AromaSounds® from years of studying, practice and integration of my 4 absolute favourite synergistic therapies. Each one stimulates and catalyses our body’s natural healing response, so when we combine all 4 together, we experience about balance and harmony within our physical & emotional body, that opens up spaciousness within our heart, fostering a deep connection to soul.

Bespoke AromaSounds oil blends

AromaSounds blends introduce specific plant chemistry into our system, whilst on our crystal sonic sound journey. There are 3 different energetic signatures to each of the blends, each supporting us to shift from an imbalanced to a more harmonious state:

TO SOOTHE - to calm, to ground, to connect you to your inner knowing. To soften the harsh edges of your thinking and to support the cleansing of stagnant energy.
TO BE PRESENT - to ground, to connect and to revitalise you. The combination of 2 key oils support you to feel both connected and awake, steady and present at the same time. 
TO RENEW / TO RESET : supports you to let go of what no longer serves, to release stuck energy, thoughts, feelings and to help you to feel renewed and cleansed.

On a deeper subtle level, each healing system invites our body & mind to resonate at a higher vibrational frequency.

These results weave throughout our energetic being, inviting the expansion of our conscious awareness.

Working with these synergistic gifts of nature, we consciously create the intention for our body and mind to move out of stagnancy and enter into flow.

With AromaSounds holistic modality we are inviting the natural healing abilities in our body to arise.

The heart of AromaSounds are of course the Alchemy Crystal Bowls

The sound vibrations and frequencies relax both our nervous system and our brain waves, and these enable our body to go into a self-healing mode.

In this state, emotional, physical and energetic blockages may be released.

This sublime healing modality offers us huge benefits including:

  • a reduction of stress and anxiety

  • helps to relax the mind

  • strengthening of the immune system

  • improves sleep

  • supports a calmer and more peaceful state of being

  • whole body tension release

  • clears blocked energy where it is needed

  • rebalancing of the chakras.

It is believed that in the next ten years Sound Healing will become as popular as Yoga is today

The Alchemy Crystal Bowls I work with are specifically attuned as an Endocrine set. So ideal for supporting hormonal imbalances. The vibrational tones of each bowl relate and synergise with the frequency of our endocrine glands in the body. You receive the tones that correspond with your Pineal, Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus, Adrenal glands and reproductive organs.

These pure crystalline sounds open up awareness for shifts to occur throughout our physical & energy body. This unifying experience encourages the release of emotional blocks and stagnant energy held physical and energetically within our body-mind, to then open us up to experience more vibrant health on all levels.

Research has shown that liquids move in specific patterns in the presence of sound frequencies. And as our cells are filled with fluid (the human body is made up of more than 70% water) so sound frequency stimulation affects us at a deep cellular level, they create a deep cellular massage.


Give yourself this time to experience the Sounds

Below is a 15 minute sound bath for you to experience if you’re new to sound healing. Simply don a pair of good quality headphones, breathe in the properties of soothing, grounding oils such as Vetiver, Frankincense or Cedarwood to bring you to this time and space. Settle yourself into a comfortable seated or lying position and press play.


A beautiful way to experience these Sounds is in the comfort of your own home

You can download these 7 deeply relaxing sound healing sessions to support your body, mind and heart. Each sound download has a specific intention to bring about a certain state change for you.

If you wish to weave in the potency of essential oils into your time, then please follow my AromaSounds Guide above. Or simply follow this super simple guidance, so to create a beautiful restful time:

Choose an oil you are drawn too & drop 1-2 drops of oil into your hands and practice the palm inhalation technique.

Then apply one or two drops to the sole of your feet and work with Kidney 1 point so to bring you to this present moment.

Take 3-5 conscious breaths, lie down in your nest, headphones on and press play.

  • align with nature - soothing sound session

    Immerse yourself in these light imbued, soothing sounds of my Alchemy Crystalline Bowls with the exquisite birdsong as the accompanying connection to nature.

    The intention of this session is to awaken the senses and to rebalance disharmony through our inherent connection to nature.

  • align with Mother Earth - grounding sound session

    This 20 minute sound session offers the pure sounds of the grounding, cleansing, awakening sounds of the Mother Earth Guardian Set of bowls. A set of bowls made with Mt Sherpa Serpentine Sedona Red Rock.

    Receiving this earthy, grounding sounds is perfect if you are feeling flighty, living in your thoughts, needing to ground, to calm, to bring yourself back into your body.

  • align with yourself - recalibrating sound session

    The intention of this session is to invite alignment and recalibration for your WHOLE self - body, mind, heart. There is a purposeful dissonance within the sounds, to invite release and renewal. Followed by pure Heart bowl frequencies that gather, draw in and rebalance the energies to the heart centre.

    This is a powerful alchemy sound session that weaves in the Mother Earth Guardian set and my Endocrine set of bowls.

  • to rebalance & harmonise sound session

    This sound scape is for those of us who feel our hormones are a little scattered. The vibrational resonance of the bowls are attuned to the major glands in our Endocrine System. When you invite your body to bathe in this 15 minute session daily, it will offer harmonising and stabilising effects throughout your entire system.

  • to soften your heart sound session

    Invite this soothing and melodic sound scape to soften and open your heart. As you bathe there, the gentle sounds of the High Heart Bowls invite a deep connection. Perfect if you are holding tensions and constrictions arounds your feelings and emotions.

  • to awaken & embody sound session

    For when you are feeling heavy hearted, mentally scattered and energetically drained. Listen to feel uplifted, to free up and release stagnation, to re-awaken your sense again. Give yourself this 20 minutes to rejuvenate and note the shifts in your feelings afterwards.

  • to steady & to ground sound session

    Allow these sounds to anchor you back to your physical being, to be more in the present moment. If you regularly feel overwhelmed, on a constant wheel of worry, too much in your head, then these steadying , grounding sounds will shift energy from your head into embodied awareness.

Join me for live online or face to face AromaSounds sessions each month. Please check out my Events Calendar for the up coming dates and how to book