TO RENEW - AromaSounds Cleansing oil blend - 30ml spritz & 10ml oil roller


Weaves the beneficial properties and aromas of Patchouli, Lemongrass, Cardamom + Rose Otto

It’s benefits : supports you to let go of what no longer serves you, to release stuck energy, thoughts, feelings and to help you to feel renewed and cleansed.

to release / to reset / to renew - this blend has all 3 intentions at its core.

  • to release the weight of the past, with its burdens and stories

  • to reset our mind and body so we are able …

  • …to renew our conscious intention, self connection, and purpose for the new version of ourselves. 

This blend is to be used as a daily reminder that each day is a new beginning. 

Available as a set of both 10ml Rollerball and 30ml spray for £35 a pair, plus £3.45 P&P

The intention is to build up the aromatic properties of the blends.
Use the oil roller on pulse points, wrists, neck, soles of feet and palms of hands for deep palm inhalation.
Use the mist to spray liberally in your relaxation space, or an environment where you need to clear your space, release what no longer serves you and to feel as though you’re stepping into a new day.

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