You’ve heard of a Sound Bath, but an AromaSounds Bath?

Allow me to elaborate a little for you…

When you take an AromaSounds® Bath, you harness the potency, the energetics and the synergy of pure harmonic sounds from crystal bowls with the aroma from pure essential oils. In addition, you are actively awakening your body’s innate ability to re-balance & to restore, through consciously connecting with your subtle energy anatomy.

It is the most elegant union of Physics & Chemistry, Ancient Wisdom & Modern Science, Aroma & Deep Relaxation

It’s the weaving of powerful & ancient healing modalities, to bring your whole being into deep renewal

AromaSounds® invites you to consciously breathe and receive the myriad of beneficial properties of essential oils into your blood stream and energy channels, through conscious breathing and the application of the oil on specific AromaPoints. This preparatory practice prepares your body, your mind, your emotions and ultimately your entire energy being - to be in full receivership mode for the benefits from the sounds of the Alchemy Crystal bowls themselves.

I created AromaSounds® from years of studying, practice and integration of my 4 absolute favourite synergistic therapies. Each one stimulates and catalyses our body’s natural healing response, so when we combine all 4 together, we experience about balance and harmony within our physical & emotional body, that opens up spaciousness within our heart, fostering a deep connection to soul.

Why would we take an AromaSounds® Bath?

  • Because we often live in a state of depletion & actively need to be replenished on a physical, emotional and energetic level OFTEN.

  • Because our human form is fine tuned for balance, so connecting with a healing modality that harnesses disciplines that support us on so many levels is a gift we should embrace.

  • Because we need to rest and replenish in order to live our most vibrant self, for our own benefit and that of others.

We would take an AromaSounds Bath to support, to re-new, to settle, to nourish your nervous system. Ultimately to bring you to a place of healing and harmony - through relaxation and deep immersion. To ground, to connect. To soothe to steady your body & mind, your energy and your connection to Self.

What are the benefits we receive?

The benefits we receive may look slightly different for each one of us. Depending on our unique needs that we bring each day.

The AromaSounds experience may relax your physical being- releasing tension in the muscles in your body, reducing pain, triggering your para sympathetic nervous system and actively slowing down your brain waves so thoughts slow down and your mind calms.

Or you may feel more energetic benefits - where the palpating of the sounds through your cells releases stagnancy in your energy, rebalancing any significant blocks in the chakras.

Through understanding how the synergy from the properties of the oils, the placement on specific acu-points on the body and the vibrations from the sounds, each benefit through interacting and oscillating our cells. We can appreciate how this combined resonance contracts and expands each cell, thereby creating the effect of a deep cellular massage.

Our entire being may experience an effect likened to cellular breathing (we may sense tingles throughout our system, or waves of goose-bumps coming and going in specific areas of the body) where the sound vibrations are increasing the space in between the molecules of our cells. Ultimately this vibrational oscillation assists the movement of our prana, chi, blood, lymph, stuck and congested energy - to release and flow more freely so creating the most optimal state for the body to heal itself.

So quite simply -

When we consciously invite the body to relax, using these tools of essential oils, sound, conscious breathing and application of the oils on specific points on the meridians on the body - we are creating the most optimal healing environment for renewal and replenishment. For our system to step into rest and digest - to re-attuning and rebalancing areas within our physical, energetic and emotional bodies that are out of line.

This is the powerful impact we can have on our systems through taking regular time to immerse in an AromaSounds® Bath. 

If the above tickles your fancy or you are intrigued, then join me in my next live group session at LOVE SUPREME PROJECTS or email me to arrange a private AromaSounds Bath for your personal needs.


A sense of calm : how connecting to our senses supports anxiety relief and self-awareness


Give yourself 15 minutes to restore & renew with this deeply relaxing soundbath