Give yourself 15 minutes to restore & renew with this deeply relaxing soundbath

Just plug in & zen out my love…

Below is a 15 minute sound bath for you to experience if you’re new to sound healing. Simply don a pair of good quality headphones, breathe in the properties of soothing, grounding oils such as Vetiver, Frankincense or Cedarwood to bring you to this time and space. Settle yourself into a comfortable seated or lying position and press play.

If you wish to know more about what you’ve just experienced… Let’s explore more of what Sound Healing actually is

So in a nutshell - the practice of Sound healing blends modern science with ancient wisdom . Practices like chanting, mantra, gongs, drumming, prayers and crystal bowls have been used for thousands of years and we’re only just starting to understand how and why it benefits us.

So Working with Sound Healing - lets start by looking at these 2 elements - 

Sound & Healing and how they are woven together inextricably - even without our conscious awareness -

1. So firstly SOUND

When we tune in to the multi-dimensional qualities of music, we are reminded that the most ancient uses of music were ceremonial, created for energy activation, inner peace and to strengthen our connection with the Divine.

Obviously - we can say that music is an external form and expression of sound - but we’ve also explored, and felt - that sound as an ENERGETIC RESONANCE and felt sound as transmitting pure vibration - as frequency, resonance, harmony…

And we can know that - everything that moves vibrates, from the smallest molecule to the universe itself. As long as it is vibrating, it is making some kind of sound. We may not perceive the sound, as it may be below or above the threshold of our hearing.

But Every atom, molecule, cell, gland, and organ of the human body absorbs and emits sound. so we can understand that :

Everything is Energy
- therefore -
Everything is Sound

(mind blown!)

Secondly- HEALING

So lets look at the HEALING aspect here - when our body is in HARMONY - we can say that when we are healthy - our body is in balance, in harmony -

And if we are imbalanced, unwell, we are in a state of dis-harmony… 

So this is one of the key ancient wisdoms of sound healing - that SOUND by its very nature, can project the correct resonant frequency back into the body - with the aim being - to bring us back to a state of balance, of harmony. 

This is when we can start to look at the modality of SOUND HEALING - as vibrational medicine.

We know of many holistic therapies that work in this way to support this - Chinese medicine , essential oils working with acupoints and meridians , Yoga - pranayama - breath work, Yoga Nidra, Restorative Yoga  = all of these modalities work on the vibrational health of our body. Our Subtle body.

And when we introduce CONSCIOUS SOUND we have the opportunity to affect the frequency within our body, to create ENTRAINMENT, with the cells and organs and energy centres within of our bodies and ENTRAINMENT is something we do naturally - it is a term to describe frequencies and vibrations coming in sync with one another.

So when we consciously breathe, say we take 3 slow breaths -  we consciously slow down our respiration, this in turn slows down our heart beat, this in turn slows down our brain waves.

This is an everyday example of entrainment. where we affect our body and mind through shifting the frequencies in our being. so is walking in step with someone you're walking with or clapping to the beat of the music- we are naturally drawn to entrainment to finding rhythm.

Sound healing works through these principles of entrainment and resonant frequency.

So in looking at HEALING with sound - we can start to understand how Sound can affect both Physical Matter and our Subtle Energy in equal measure…

PHEWEEE… Well done for getting this far my friend! If this level of exploration tickles your taste buds, then I have lots other posts to come that dives deep into Sound theory and its practice.

Until next time - ENJOY the sound healing session again and again and let me know how you get on x


You’ve heard of a Sound Bath, but an AromaSounds Bath?


Let’s actively change this narrative my loves…