P A U S E & E M E R G E - A 3 month, bespoke, one to one wellbeing programme


The journey into menopause invites us to pro actively step out of what was and take time to re-emerge as our new selves.

The woman we once were and the woman we are becoming deserve a moments acknowledgement and require an expanded self awareness.

This is the time to literally press the pause button, to create calm in the chaos, the stope the noise, to rest, to retreat, to create space and renew our connection to self, to anchor in new discoveries of our selves.

P A U S E & E M E R G E is a bespoke, 3-month exploration, with me as your guide, in which we will explore consciously creating connection between the chaining landscape of your body, mind and spirit, that create the root of your Wise Woman Self.

I truly believe that menopause is a time to consciously create connection


“Any modality neglecting to treat the mental- emotional body, the human spirit or the energetic systems of the body will never create true healing.” @medicine_mama

This understanding has always been at the heart of my work, my practice, my teachings and my own personal healing journey.

And I absolutely look at mid-life as the invitation to step into Healing with a capital H. To bring yourself home to your extraordinary self, so to live a life of deeper trust, with more vibrancy and clearer awareness of your needs.

So to support your entire wellbeing as you live your daily life. As a 40, 50, 60, 70 year old woman evolving, emerging and rediscovering herself on a daily basis.

So PAUSE & EMERGE is my invitation to do just that.

We will embrace the 4 Spheres of Holistic Menopause that have been the foundation of my personal journey.

We explore the needs of your body, your mind & emotions. We will also look at your more subtle energy body and the deeper more soulful aspects of your life, to see where there is greater need for nourishment and replenishment, recalibration and re-alignment.

This dedicated time together will involve exploring a myriad of holistic therapies that support your own unique journey:

  • Self enquiry process that invites deeper awareness & connection to your wellbeing and needs

  • Clarity & understanding as to how you are able to support your whole self moving forwards

  • An essential oil protocol & routine to help clear, restore, renew physical and energy requirements

  • Bespoke movement, Yoga or Energy Medicine practices

  • Crystal Sonic AromaSound healing session to support recalibration & rebalancing of body & mind

  • Daily breath and meditation practices

  • Journalling prompts & psycho-energetic enquiry to nurture self awareness throughout this time

  • Hands-on AromaTouch massage therapy sessions if we work together in person

A 1-1 invitation, this time we share together will create active moments of pause and invite you to partner with physical & meta-physical modalities for a full, holistic approach to mid life wellbeing.

P A U S E & E M E R G E is a 3 month commitment to your WHOLE SELF that will nourish, resource, replenish & refuel you on a daily basis.

P A U S E & E M E R G E is your invitation to explore what life can be like when we give ourselves permission to live in harmony with our Wise Woman Self.

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