Align with Mother Earth - grounding sound session


To align with Mother Earth

This 20 minute sound session offers the pure sounds of the grounding, cleansing, awakening sounds of the Mother Earth Guardian Set of bowls. A set of bowls made with Mt Sherpa Serpentine Sedona Red Rock.

Receiving this earthy, grounding sounds is perfect if you are feeling flighty, living in your thoughts, needing to ground, to calm, to bring yourself back into your body.

Immerse yourself in these deeply connecting soothing sounds with the exquisite birdsong as the accompanying connection to nature.

“Mother Earth brings the voice of her ancient wisdom to sit by our inner sacred fire. In a container of Love, the spirals of sonic light weave through the body, awakening particles of wisdom that enable us to connect ever more deeply. The frequency of gold, iron and charcoal - ignite, purify and cleanse the body. The Earth and the Fire elements help ground and transmute denser vibrations of energy.”
Alchemy Reading of the Mother Guardian Set - from Genevra Jolie from Temple of Alchemies

To receive the sounds:

Simply wear comfortable clothes, apply soothing essential oils if you have them, settle into a relaxation position, close your eyes, and immerse yourself in the sounds.

Breathe slowly and consciously as you start to receive the sounds. Breathe in for the count of 4, release and exhale for the count of 6. Repeat this conscious breath pattern for the first few minutes to support your nervous system to calm.

This sound session was recorded by a professional sound technician in my home studio early one Sunday morning this year. The sun was rising and the morning chorus broke into song as I started to play. We chose to open the windows to welcome in the glorious sounds of the birds, to add to the deepening nurturance we receive when we allow ourselves to align with nature.

It is also worth noting that I have purposefully left the recordings as close to a real life experience as possible. This means there are ‘real life’ sounds picked up on the super sensitive microphones - my blouse moving on the surface of my skin, the suede mallet touching the bowls, my breathing etc. All sounds you would hear if you were lying next to the bowls in my studio, receiving the deeply nurturing sound resonance in person. It was an intentional choice not to filter out these background sounds, as I feel they do not deter from the essence of the session, but actually add to a more connecting and immersive experience.

Enjoy this beautiful session in the morning or to relax in the evening. You may lie down, or sit in meditation with headphones on, rather through speakers.

Release any expectation of outcome, and relax into the experience – it may be different every time you listen. The resonance will always go where it is needed so relax, release and allow.

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