The time is now - to mother yourself…

Peri menopause is a time when you are meant to mother yourself

One of the most common threads running through women’s descriptions of how they feel during the menopausal transition is the longing for time alone, for a refuge that provides peace, quiet and freedom from distractions and demands.

Even if you can’t charter a plane to a deserted island, odds are that you can insulate yourself from noise, phones, the internet and interaction with others.

I encourage every woman to find a way to do this on whatever level is possible, even just for 15 minutes a day.

When we commit to taking this first step, we have the chance to develop a newfound sense of ourselves and our life’s purpose, which gives us an exhilarating sense of what is possible for us during the second half of our lives.

Christiane Northrup MD
The Wisdom of Menopause

One of the most powerful changes I’ve made over the past few years is to give myself more time.


To create quiet time, to just sit, or to walk, to practice meditation, to take myself to the garden, to simply breathe consciously. But the intention was to be on my own, to actively seek out more time with me.

As I’m realising more and more, that biologically, at this stage of our lives, we are programmed to withdraw from the outside world. And to go deeper within. It is not selfish. It is imperative.

To find our woman-cave.

To create space and to be free from the endless distractions that come from purely focusing on mothering and serving the needs of others. 

Personally, I’ve found that in creating daily space, time alone, purposefully carving out quiet moments for myself, invites a huge sense of spaciousness and recalibration for my body, heart & mind. 

This has then opened me up to deeper clarity as to what I wish to birth into this next stage of my life…

And for this to happen, I needed to connect more deeply to myself, to make space for me. Both inner and outer. 

So right now, just ask yourself, how can I better mother myself at this time? And whatever comes to mind first, do that. Tonight. Tomorrow. Be with yourself my love. It is time. 


I know the direction I want to be heading in…


I first knew I was in menopause when…