I know the direction I want to be heading in…

The decade between the years of approximately 48 & 58 often determines whether a woman finds her way into vibrant second prime - strong, healthy and with higher esteem than before…

or a period of rapid aging, as if the woman’s life is winding down…

While there are many psychological and physiological factors involved, the common denominator seems to be that the women who find their way into a vibrant second prime, actively engage their body’s energies and do not accept that menopause is a downward spiral.

These women’s journeys included hearing what their bodies are really trying to tell them and aligning themselves with their bodies requests.

By becoming adept at balancing our energies, we are better able to navigate our way into the gifts of menopause : EMPOWERMENT, SELF-RELIANCE AND FREEDOM

Wisdom from Donna Eden
Energy Medicine for Women


These words may not be in our consciousness whilst in the thick of our symptoms… And although at times we may feel lost, treading water to stay afloat, not really knowing who or what to turn too for guidance… I want to say how much there is to support us through these uncharted times of change. 

Both in our communities of empowered wise women and most importantly - IN HERE - (I point to my chest) - within the wealth of our own body, heart, mind & experiences.

Whether we are on HRT or not, we can all create positive shifts in our entire wellbeing, that support our peri and menopause experience, through intentionally connecting to ourselves more. And pro-actively working with selfcare practices. I can’t emphasise enough, how much positive change this actually makes to our hormonal physiology.

I’m specifically exploring Energy Medicine techniques as part of my own menopausal management system. And although EM is a unique practice in itself offering us tools to open up the flow of energy throughout our entire hormonal system - Energy Medicine is also the umbrella term for holistic practices such as Meditation, Breathwork, Qigong, mindfulness, Yoga Nidra, EFT, AromaPoint therapy, Sound Healing, Hypnotherapy etc

Practices where we consciously tune into our bodies and really hear what she is trying to tell us. From there, we can respond to those unique needs we have at that time.

So I know from my own personal experience, that by doing just one or two proactive self care practices daily, by ‘actively engaging our body’s energy’ as Donna Eden says, we can significantly shift our physical & emotional state. From depletion to full, from overwhelm to clarity. From hot to cool. From anger to calm. 

How about you my loves? What are you doing to ensure you’re heading towards a vibrant second prime, rather than a knackered old prune?🥴

I’d love to know what YOU’VE found supportive & nourishing right now beauties and explore more of this together …


Soooo… I’m back in my Woman Cave again, pondering this question


The time is now - to mother yourself…