Soooo… I’m back in my Woman Cave again, pondering this question


Relating too or concerned with the WHOLE or with a complete system, rather than with the analysis of, treatment of or dissection into parts.

Holistic modalities attempt to treat the mind, the body and the spiritual needs of the WHOLE individual.

A holistic approach to peri and menopause means to provide support that looks at the whole woman’s needs. The support considers her emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

It is not opposing HRT / MHT

It is embracing an empowered version of ourselves and our needs at this time.

So what does this look like? First step - look at preventative measures for symptoms, in the form of natural lifestyle changes. Secondly lean into Therapeutic offerings that serve specific issues or foundational concerns. Thirdly, explore the Menopause Hormone Therapy options to support your needs.

An approach that seeks a whole approach to a fulfilling life. For the health of our body, our mind, emotions, spiritual wellbeing, our physical lifestyle choices - An approach that supports the wholeness of who we are.

So what approach offers us an empowered route on our peri & menopause journey?..

For me, it is about serving OUR WHOLE SELVES at this time. HOLISTIC living for me is about this: Balance.

It isn’t about about living a PURELY natural route and opposing the PHARMA route. It is about living with a balanced approach

Where we support ourselves where we can, then to lean into areas of further support as and when we need. 

Where we have a 3 pronged approach to living a healthy & nourished menopausal daily life: 

First step- I actively encourage us to lean into support in the form of lifestyle changes & weaving in daily practices we can do ourselves- meditation, breathwork, yoga practice, deep rest with Yoga Nidra, walking in nature, swimming, monitoring our food choices, dropping caffeine & alcohol, sugar and processed foods, cleaning out all the hormone disrupting toxic products in our skin care & home… All the obvious choices that support our foundational wellbeing.

Secondly, If you’re still feeling outa sorts and your daily hormonal fluctuations and experiences are proving more challenging than you’re comfortable with, then lean into Therapeutic offerings, such as Accupuncture, Hypnotherapy, Menopause specialist herbal supplements, Sound Healing immersions, Intuitive Coaching, or Counselling to support your mindset shifts.

And thirdly, lets have positive and supportive conversations around exploring the Menopause Hormone Therapy options (a broad term for the expansive HRT options we have available). As we are sooo unique (body type, health history, cultural differences etc) we need bespoke solutions for our individual needs.

In my opinion, this 3 pronged approach offer us an empowered route on our peri and menopause path. 

Non extreme. Non exclusive. Non judgemental. 

An approach that seeks a WHOLE way of life. A path that supports the wholeness of who we are.

Let me know your thoughts beauties. Share what’s worked, what you absolutely feel has been pivotal & where you feel you’d like more guidance. Where there are gaps in your own personal journey… 

From my heart to yours 💕


So how DO you know if you are peri menopausal?


I know the direction I want to be heading in…