So how DO you know if you are peri menopausal?

According to Dr Briden / Naturopath and Author of The Hormone Repair Manual

Perimenopause is diagnosed based on the symptoms and context

There is no blood test for peri menopause. Instead peri menopause is diagnosed based on the symptoms and context.

A mid life woman with regular cycles is likely to be in peri menopause if she has any three of the following nine changes:

1. New onset heavy or longer flow

2. Shorter menstrual cycle (25 days or less)

3. New sore, swollen or lumpy breasts

4. New mid sleep waking

5. Increased menstrual cramps

6. Onset of night sweats, in particularly premenstrually

7. New or markedly increased migraine headaches

8. New or increased premenstrual mood swings

9. Weight gain without changes in exercise or eating

In other words - if you are older than 35, and have at least 3 symptoms on this list, then you are likely to be in peri menopause.

If this sounds like you… what to do about it?

First & Foremost, you can actively mother yourself (see earlier blog post)… This can look like actively practicing more self care.

Here are 14 of my favourites  you can do straight away

  1. Get outside into nature

  2. Create close bonds with other women who are also journeying through this time

  3. Talk about your changing rhythms and cycles with your partner or close freinds

  4. Practice soothing your nervous system regularly with breathing techniques

  5. Get on that Yoga mat

  6. Redefine good sleep hygiene for you

  7. Move your body daily

  8. Weave in weight resistant exercise

  9. Reduce alcohol, caffeine and other stimulants

  10. Eat more greens (yes mum)

  11. Reduce toxins in your home & skincare

  12. Take regular luxurious baths - don’t save them for high days and holidays

  13. Become more conscious of your daily rituals of connection

  14. Know your body more intimately,

These few choices are FOUNDATIONAL MEDICINE - to support any medical guidance we may then wish to receive. As when we soothe, nourish and strengthen our body naturally, we build resilience for our nervous system and brain to move through this time of transition in the most supported way.

And believe me, in a few years time, your slightly older menopausal self will thank you for it!


Middle Path Approach to Mid Life


Soooo… I’m back in my Woman Cave again, pondering this question