Middle Path Approach to Mid Life

I am growing so much more clearer that a Middle Path Approach to Mid Life is the way forward for us all. For the WHOLE of us.

As Peri & Menopause is a pivotal time to point the lens of exploration towards ourselves. 

And this may mean reevaluating and changing our habits, patterns, beliefs, attitudes, relationships, foods, medicines, work… THE LOT!

As when we aim to understand more, it releases fear. It also deepens our connection to ourselves as we are NOW. To get to know what works for us now, what supports us to feel better at this time, what our body and mind needs through this transition, to be discerning about our choices at this time. 

And this can only happen when we open up to UNDERSTANDING more. 

More about our bodies, our mind, our emotions, our energy. More about what is available for us to lean into, to explore, to weave in, to work with.

As a woman who has always embraced the purely holistic route, this new chapter is opening my eyes to weaving in BOTH holistic and allopathic Hormone Therapies. I believe neither needs to be done in isolation. 

These explorations may mean we seek guidance in having conversations with our GP, or we look into Menopause Specialist Health support to guide us through the HT treatments. 

It may look like embracing a different regime of self care practices, exploring different Healing Modalities that work in transformational ways for our hormones. 

Or maybe our morning rituals, our meditations, the essential oil protocols, the Yoga styles we are used to working with - just don’t feel so good anymore. They need an upgrade, to change.

So this is key for me - BE OPEN TO CHANGE. 

To understand more. To invest more energy to listening to our body, our emotions, our symptoms. So to recognise the signs our bodies are giving us tell us what is working and what isn’t. What needs to stay and what needs to change.

I’d love to know what you’ve embraced and changed at this stage of life; your daily routine, your attitudes, your relationships, your selfcare… let me know my loves. We can all learn something so valuable through heart felt sharings.


Let’s actively change this narrative my loves…


So how DO you know if you are peri menopausal?